Paws 'N Claws Veterinary Clinic

225 N. Lemay Ave., #2
Fort Collins, CO 80524


Current Clients Check In

If you would like to make an appointment, you can assist us to expedite your check in by submitting this form.

Current Clients

Name (required)
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Address (required)
Street Address (required)
City (required)
State / Province (required)
Zip / Postal Code (required)
Daytime Phone (required)
Phone TypePhone Number (required)
Evening Phone
Phone TypePhone Number
E-Mail Address :
Pet's Name (required)

Reasons or conditions that prompted your visit?

I would like a confirmation call for my appointment.
Special requests or conditions?

Please list any additional pets here and reasons for their visit.

Please Read
I understand, by indicating I agree and submitting this registration, that I am responsible for any charges incurred by my pet while in the care of the doctors at Paws 'N Claws Veterinary Clinic and that charges are due and payable at the time of service, unless other arrangements are made in advance. Any balance that is carried over a period of 30 days will accrue a monthly finance charge of 1.5% or 18% per annum. Any balance that I leave unpaid will be forwarded to Paws 'N Claws Veterinary Clinic's collection agency, and will incur a 25% collection fee for which I am liable, in addition to monthly finance charges.
I have read this statement and - (required)

I Agree
I Disagree

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